Savannah combines at least two special ingredients that make it a great place to visit. The first is history packaged. Stuff happens everywhere, but in many places the essence of the events are lost as renewal and modernization destroys the artifacts resulting from the lives of the people that shaped that history. Not so with modern day Savannah. Great care has been taken to restore and preserve the buildings and squares of the city. There is surely some tourist trap stuff, but walking a block from it moves one a century back in time. The other ingredient may be the SCAD (Savannah College for Art and Design) students and staff or the fact that real people also live in the historic section. Anyway, it works unlike other historic downtowns I have visited.
We ate a great meal at the Olde Pink House as well as at Harris Baking Company, the Gryphon Tea Room and in our own dining room. We shopped at Parker's Market, a 24 hour gourmet gas station/purveyor of food and wine and whatever you might need. We went to a concert in the park at noon one day, walked a lot every day, took the 90 minute Oglethorpe tour, Anilia and Ann got pedicures and overall just had a relaxing, layed-back time. And did I mention that the food was really good?
Pat (a classmate from high school) and Dorothy from the eastern most part of Virginia came as did Lisa and Joel from Atlanta and daughter Anilia and 10 week old grandson Emerson. Sorry you didn't make it. Maybe for my 70th birthday....