So all things work together - you know that, right? It started one cold winter night when I was picking up some dry cleaning (if can imagine me having dry cleaning) and while walking to my car, I saw a barber standing in the dark outside the shop smoking. It was about 6pm, but I asked if he was up for 'one more haircut' and he said yes. Here-in begins another relationship. It turns out this is the black barber shop in our fair city, and I got a great haircut. I appreciate a haircut in which no permanently attached parts are injured or removed. No ears twisted, not necks cut or poked - nothing like that. I got a painless haircut. Good deal, and I went back.
Now this will get back to motorcycles, I promise.
When I returned for another haircut a few weeks later, I had to wait. I took a look at the magazine rack and saw Rider magazine. It had been at least 12 years since I rode a bike in Haiti. I picked it up and read an article about some guy who took a trip with his 16 year old son and went fly-fishing at Yellowstone or some such thing. He talked about the feeling swishing through sweepers and attacking up-hill banked turns on two-lane back roads. I was hooked.
I had to experience that again before my body refused to participate.
The haircut once again was good. Mr. Johnson, the owner, is a reminder that good people are good to be with.
The hunt for a bike like the old R50 now begins.
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