Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Transition from train to bike / health tips

I am sitting in the Washington DC Union station waiting for our train to load that will complete our round trip from Lynchburg, Virginia to New Orleans (and on to Baton Rouge) and returning via Washington, DC to attend a conference. By early morning on the 10th we will be in our own beds after nine nights on the road. It will be good!

We enjoyed the trip, especially visiting family on both ends of the route. I will go to work on July 10th and then return home to finalize the bike and pack all the gear in order to get on the road for points West. I will likely leave early in the morning on July 11th and head for Denver.

I have two unrelated but valuable points to communicate to someone: and that may be you, who knows. One is mental health related and the other is physical health related.

First mental health. Ann and I went to Target to get a greeting card and spent about an hour (really more maybe) reading all the funny cards. We felt so much better after doing this that it is hard to describe. So next time you are feeling down or just bored, visit the local card rack and get a boost. No appointment needed, no co-pay and you don't even have to tell anyone anything. Totally internal, self-help. Free, legal and available in your home town. Don't do it too often as it may be habit forming, and the people will get to know you as the guy (or gal) that keeps reading the cards. Buy one from time-to-time as a cover for your therapy.

Now for physical help. Arthritis. It hurts. Anti-inflamatories help, but who wants to take a lot of that? So I have been hearing the 'gin soaked raisin' cure for years on the People's Pharmacy radio show on NPR. I finally decided my long term hand pain is arthritis, and decided to try the cure. They said it would take a month of eating nine raisins a day to take effect. So I was surprised that after about ten days I realized I no longer had pain in my hand. I've been doing it about three weeks and so far it is working well. Google 'gin soaked raisins' for more info. Heck, for some, just drink the gin. That might work as well! And keep in mind that I am no doctor, so if it makes you turn blue, too bad.

That's all for today. I'm planning to post podcasts from the road, so keep an eye on the podcast link on the left side of the blog page. If you subscribe (don't ask me how you do that) you will somehow get new ones like majic as I record them.

See you down the road....

1 comment:

erica said...

Funny... Jack and a couple of friends and I did the same thing in Hallmark a few years ago with the Fresh Ink cards (which are hiLArious but which I think they stopped making), and I posted about it in much the same way you did (see the last paragraph):

We loved having you here. Come anytime, train, motorcycle, hot air balloon, or whatever mode of transport you fancy! =)