Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Long Live the ZAMM route

Today marks the end of the Zen and the Art of motorcycle Maintenance portion of the ride.  I parked my bike on the corner of Page street and Laguna street, took a photo and walked across to take a closer look. This building is likely a place that Bob and Chris visited in San Francisco, and near the place where, years later when he was studying at the Zen Center, Chris was fatally wounded in a mugging.  It is a quiet place and, there is a bookstore as well as the Zen Center itself.  I rode every mile except the stretch between Ukiah and Novato, about 88 miles. 

I rode instead to Sacramento County to meet a person that shares many of my passions and his wife.  They generously offered to have me stay at their home, and I got the added bonus of a dog, Hershey, to pet.  There was also one of those special surprises that I will save for later - I'll be putting up a short YouTube video of Duane's special animal friends. [as soon as I figure out how to do that!]
Duane has been a great contributor to the knowledge of the BMW bikes known as /2 - those produced from 1955 to 1969 and some models before and after that period.  At the time these machines were  being sold he had a dealership in California and his shop sold and worked on more of these than any other dealer.  So he has truely been there and done that.  He is also a ham radio operator and there are many other things we have in common, including a thing for working with people of other cultures. I am ranking my less than 24 hours with Duane and Linda as one of the real highlights of the trip.  I am so happy that I asked and that they were willing and available on the day I was in the area.  Thanks Duane and Linda!

The US50 Ride Preview

So tonight starts the US-50 portion of the ride - 3073 miles of 2 lane, four lane and some interstate sections.  Originally US-50 went all the way to the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco.  Now it officially starts in West Sacremento.  I'm starting in the original spot as I understand it.  This road will start in Californina and continue to Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland.  I will ride them in that order as that is easiest.  I was hoping to meet another BMW tech guy in Lake Tahoe but he is in Denver this week, so I guess I will just ride past Lake Tahoe and stop when it gets dark.  I hope to meet a friend in Colorado, and same family members in Kansas.  I hear it is going to be hot, and I hope that the cold I have been riding in is not forgotten.

I picked up a spare clutch cable for the bike today.  It was bothering me to be riding without one, and if it was on my mind, I needed to get it taken care of.  Mission accomplished!

Tomorrow I am going to do planning, writing and resting for the final push East! Expect some more ride stories tomorrow!  It is hard to write when tired...

Lessons Learned: I really don't like riding on Interstate Highway type roads (limited access, left exits sometimes, exit only lanes, aggressive drivers) and I spent some time on them today.  Ugly!

We need to hear from people that wish to join us at the Wrap Party/Dinner on July 30th in Easton, MD.  I will be posting some places where those that wish to ride into Ocean City will be able to meet up with us, and an address for the party if you just want to come and enjoy that.  Email me at zamm2011@gmail.com

If you want to ride or just keep up with the progress please click on the link at the left of the screen to follow oldbikerider on twitter.  That is how I will be communicating with folks.  Any phone that does text messages will work.  If you don't have a twitter account, now is as good a time as any to find out what it is all about.  Any kid can help you get started!

We also need some more Not Alone contributions.  If you have been thinking about it, please click on the logo in the upper left side of the blog and say that you are going to be a part of the Not Alone community.  You don't have to give a lot of money - everyone giving some will make a difference.  Really.

1 comment:

pattianne053 said...

Ron there is a sign in Scramento that shows Ocean City, MD and the miles and then there is one on the bridge out of Ocean City, MD that says Scaremento CA and the miles away pretty neat.

Working hard here to make you journey to E.E. Streets VFW a good memory.


PS Got twitter on my phone so you can tweet me and let me know how it is going.